“How do you do it?” I get asked this question frequently.

“How do you work with people and their families who are faced with a terminal illness?”

Although that chapter in life is difficult, I see the beauty, growth, impact, and healing that can occur in those moments— especially when guided and supported.


My name is Yara Nakouzi.

I am a Living Doula and Life Transition Coach.

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I have been a Registered Nurse since 2016. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from William Paterson University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a minor in psychology. Throughout my nursing career I worked on the neurology unit, served as a travel nurse during the peak of COVID-19, worked in the emergency department, and then later provided at home hospice care.

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“Why did you become a nurse?”

As ironic as it may seem I fell into nursing after watching the movie Patch Adams. Patch Adams is played by Robin Williams who treats terminally ill patients with compassion, playfulness, and humor. I thought to myself “if bringing joy to patients during difficult times is what being a nurse is, then hey I want to do that!” I was sold on becoming a nurse when Patch said, “You treat a disease, you win you lose, you treat a person I guarantee you, you’ll win no matter what the outcome.” I loved the emphasis that healing not only comes from treating a disease, but from treating a person as a whole.

As a nurse, I saw how patients and their loved ones were extremely overwhelmed when faced with a life-limiting illness. More times than not they were not prepared for such a major life transition and were afraid to speak about the inevitable.

I was always passionate about helping my patients and their families approach the subject with love, empowerment, truth, and honesty. It was always fun and exciting for me to see their transformation from being afraid and hopeless to confident, at peace, and fulfilled.

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“My Grandmother Was My Inspiration”

It wasn’t until reflecting on my own life, I realized that the reason I am so passionate about supporting and guiding people through this major life transition is because of my grandmother. I was very close to her. Before I had become a nurse, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. With all that I now know, looking back I see that my grandmother and family suffered silently in her last months of life.

She was never given the choice to decide how she wanted to spend the time ahead of her or the chance to fulfill her wishes. Even until this day, that chapter of life has had a negative impact on my family. It was all due to a lack of knowledge, support, conversations, and planning.

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“Passionate advocate”

If you never had the chance to work with me, most people would tell you I am very passionate about learning, advocating, and honoring a patient’s wishes. Treating my patients and their families with respect and dignity is my highest priority. I let nothing stand in the way of that.

I always encourage my patients to think about and find the courage within themselves to express their personal goals and wishes. I stand by them or advocated for them, depending on the situation. I am their biggest advocate, or as they call me, their “cheerleader.”

As a nurse, due to high patient ratios and time constraints, it broke my heart not being able to give my patients and their families the extra time they needed to feel at ease and fully supported during the overwhelming major life transition.

I have experienced firsthand when people are supported emotionally, physically, and spiritually through life-changing illnesses, they gain this power, strength, and healing which I believe no medicine could create. Medicine is important, but it’s only one factor of healing.

I decided to follow my heart and passion in becoming a Living Doula certified through the International Doulagivers Institute. I also became certified as a Life Transition Coach through the Dharma Coaching Institute which is recognized by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

As an Living Doula and Coach, I am able to guide, advocate, educate, and support those and their loved ones faced with a terminal illness without having to worry about time constraints.

*Disclaimer: As a Living Doula and Coach, I do not practice under my nursing license.

LIVE ON UP was created to support and empower individuals and their loved ones faced with terminal diagnosis to take charge of their time and create security, healing, and peace.

We will walk together through this journey. You don’t have to do it alone. Let’s create some of the most memorable and meaningful memories together.

Don't let circumstances take away from what you still have.

I want you and your loved ones to LIVE ON UP!

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Our Philosophy